Frong Plant Ties


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Frog Plant Ties

Whether your plants need tying up or not, these novelty frog ties are adorable and we are sure you will find a use for them. Ordinary string or functional plant ties do the job, but they’re just so boring compared to these delightful little froggy friends. They come in packs of two, but somehow we don’t think that two are going to be enough. If you have a friend who is nuts about frogs they are going to love these. They may even use them to tie up the plants!

There are a number of plants that require tying such as climbing shrubs, fruit bushes, various climbers and even some tall perennials. This is best done when the stems are still soft and can be manoeuvred easily. Care should always be taken not to damage the plant. You can use string or twine cut to the right length, but there are products out there specifically designed for the job. Take a look at these Frog ties, kinder to your plants and guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

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