Wilf Looks Pail Garden Ornaments

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Wilf Looks Pail Garden Ornament

Woodland Wilf looks Pail Garden Ornaments

Looking for some garden ornaments to adorn your garden? Can you give a good gnome a good ‘ome? The adorable Woodland Wilf in his pointy hat and sturdy boots carries a yoke bearing two buckets which are also planters.

Wilf is used to being out in all weathers so it is just as well he is frost proof, weather resistant and made of high quality polyresin, painted with UV stabilised inks. So he won’t need any sunblock! Makes an ideal addition to any home, outside or in.

Woodland Wilf stands a strapping 32cm high, with his boots on.

If you would like to collect more ornaments like Wilf, you should know that Wilf looks Pail is one charming character in a whole range of Woodland Wilf characters. These include Sporting Wilfs, Hobby Wilfs and Gardening Wilfs. The gardening Wilfs include:

Wilf Pots the Plants, Wilf Waters the Plants, Wilf Takes Shelter, Wilf Feeds the Birds, Wilfe Whles Away the Hours, Wilf Tends to the Flowers and Wilf sees the Light. All the characters are made of the same sturdy high quality polyresin.

Made to high standard these ornaments keep their colour and their appeal. Woodland Wilf Gnomes make excellent presents, bringing a quirky charm to any Garden or Home.

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